Hale i magazyny kujawsko-pomorskie

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Wyszukiwanie zaawansowane

Ogłoszenia 1 z kategorii: Hale i magazyny Kujawsko-pomorskie

Hala/Magazyn, 1 473 m², Bydgoszcz
1 700 000 zł

Hala/Magazyn, 1 473 m², Bydgoszcz

Hale i magazyny  Bydgoszcz, kujawsko-pomorskie, Polska
  Database queries (Total queries: 67 - Total queries time: 0.025423049926758)  
0.00072884559631348 SELECT *
FROM (oc_t_preference)
0.00066280364990234 REPLACE INTO oc_t_preference (s_name, s_value, s_section, e_type) VALUES ('version', '121', 'radius_search', 'STRING')
0.00023484230041504 SELECT *
FROM ((SELECT a.*, b.*, c.i_num_items, FIELD(fk_c_locale_code, 'pl_PL') as locale_order
FROM (oc_t_category as a)
INNER JOIN oc_t_category_description as b ON a.pk_i_id = b.fk_i_category_id
LEFT JOIN oc_t_category_stats as c ON a.pk_i_id = c.fk_i_category_id
WHERE b.s_name != ''
AND a.b_enabled = 1
ORDER BY locale_order DESC) dummytable)
GROUP BY pk_i_id
ORDER BY i_position ASC
0.00023198127746582 SELECT *
FROM ((SELECT a.*, b.*, c.i_num_items, FIELD(fk_c_locale_code, 'pl_PL') as locale_order
FROM (oc_t_category as a)
INNER JOIN oc_t_category_description as b ON a.pk_i_id = b.fk_i_category_id
LEFT JOIN oc_t_category_stats as c ON a.pk_i_id = c.fk_i_category_id
WHERE b.s_slug = 'hale-i-magazyny'
AND b.s_name != ''
ORDER BY locale_order DESC) dummytable)
GROUP BY pk_i_id
ORDER BY i_position ASC
0.00020909309387207 SELECT f.pk_i_id
FROM (oc_t_meta_fields f, oc_t_meta_categories c)
WHERE ( c.fk_i_category_id = 240 )
AND f.pk_i_id = c.fk_i_field_id
AND f.b_searchable = 1
0.00021219253540039 SELECT s_type
FROM (oc_t_item_custom_attr_fields)
WHERE pk_i_id = 'page'
0.0002131462097168 SELECT s_type
FROM (oc_t_item_custom_attr_fields)
WHERE pk_i_id = 'sRegion'
0.00022697448730469 SELECT s_type
FROM (oc_t_item_custom_attr_fields)
WHERE pk_i_id = 'sShowAs'
0.00020408630371094 SELECT s_type
FROM (oc_t_item_custom_attr_fields)
WHERE pk_i_id = 'sCategory'
0.0012021064758301 SELECT oc_t_item.*, oc_t_item.s_contact_name as s_user_name, oc_t_item_car_attr.i_power, oc_t_item_car_attr.i_year, oc_t_item_car_attr.i_mileage, oc_t_item_car_attr.e_fuel
FROM (oc_t_item)
LEFT JOIN oc_t_item_location ON oc_t_item_location.fk_i_item_id = oc_t_item.pk_i_id
LEFT JOIN oc_t_item_car_attr ON oc_t_item_car_attr.fk_i_item_id = oc_t_item.pk_i_id
WHERE oc_t_item.b_enabled = 1 AND oc_t_item.b_active = 1 AND oc_t_item.b_spam = 0 AND (oc_t_item.b_premium = 1 || oc_t_item.dt_expiration >= '2024-05-07 10:40:45')
AND oc_t_item.fk_i_category_id IN (240)
AND ( oc_t_item_location.fk_i_region_id = 781804 )
ORDER BY dt_pub_date desc
LIMIT 0, 12
0.00066184997558594 SELECT oc_t_item.pk_i_id, oc_t_item_car_attr.i_power, oc_t_item_car_attr.i_year, oc_t_item_car_attr.i_mileage, oc_t_item_car_attr.e_fuel
FROM (oc_t_item)
LEFT JOIN oc_t_item_location ON oc_t_item_location.fk_i_item_id = oc_t_item.pk_i_id
LEFT JOIN oc_t_item_car_attr ON oc_t_item_car_attr.fk_i_item_id = oc_t_item.pk_i_id
WHERE oc_t_item.b_enabled = 1 AND oc_t_item.b_active = 1 AND oc_t_item.b_spam = 0 AND (oc_t_item.b_premium = 1 || oc_t_item.dt_expiration >= '2024-05-07 10:40:45')
AND oc_t_item.fk_i_category_id IN (240)
AND ( oc_t_item_location.fk_i_region_id = 781804 )
ORDER BY dt_pub_date desc
LIMIT 1200000
0.00033712387084961 SELECT *
FROM (oc_t_item_description)
WHERE oc_t_item_description.fk_i_item_id = '810'
0.00052595138549805 SELECT oc_t_item_location.*, cd.s_name as s_category_name, SUM(`s`.`i_num_views`) as `i_num_views`, SUM(`s`.`i_num_spam`) as `i_num_spam`, SUM(`s`.`i_num_bad_classified`) as `i_num_bad_classified`, SUM(`s`.`i_num_repeated`) as `i_num_repeated`, SUM(`s`.`i_num_offensive`) as `i_num_offensive`, SUM(`s`.`i_num_expired`) as `i_num_expired`, SUM(`s`.`i_num_premium_views`) as `i_num_premium_views`
FROM (oc_t_item_location, oc_t_category_description as cd, oc_t_item_stats as s)
WHERE oc_t_item_location.fk_i_item_id = '810'
AND s.fk_i_item_id = '810'
AND cd.fk_i_category_id = '240'
GROUP BY fk_i_item_id
0.00022101402282715 SELECT pk_i_id, fk_c_country_code, s_name, b_active, s_slug
FROM (oc_t_region)
WHERE pk_i_id = '781804'
0.00031590461730957 SELECT *
FROM (oc_t_locale)
WHERE b_enabled = 1
0.00018978118896484 SELECT pk_i_id, fk_c_country_code, s_name, b_active, s_slug
FROM (oc_t_region)
WHERE pk_i_id = '781804'
0.00022196769714355 SELECT fk_i_category_id
FROM (oc_t_plugin_category)
WHERE s_plugin_name = 'ads_manager_banner_group_5'
0.00073885917663574 SELECT g.b_id as "b_group_id", g.b_name as "b_group_name", g.b_banner_id, b.*, rand() as "rand_ind"
FROM (oc_t_banner b, oc_t_banner_group g)
WHERE g.b_banner_id = b.b_id
AND g.b_id = 5
ORDER BY rand_ind asc
0.00017499923706055 SELECT fk_i_category_id
FROM (oc_t_plugin_category)
WHERE s_plugin_name = 'ads_manager_banner_5'
0.0004429817199707 SELECT *
FROM (oc_t_banner)
WHERE b_id = '5'
0.00084900856018066 UPDATE oc_t_banner SET b_views=coalesce(b_views, 0)+1 WHERE b_id=5
0.00023412704467773 SELECT *
FROM ((SELECT a.*, b.*, c.i_num_items, FIELD(fk_c_locale_code, 'pl_PL') as locale_order
FROM (oc_t_category as a)
INNER JOIN oc_t_category_description as b ON a.pk_i_id = b.fk_i_category_id
LEFT JOIN oc_t_category_stats as c ON a.pk_i_id = c.fk_i_category_id
WHERE fk_i_parent_id = 240
AND a.b_enabled = '1'
AND b.s_name != ''
ORDER BY locale_order DESC) dummytable)
GROUP BY pk_i_id
ORDER BY i_position ASC
0.00027108192443848 SELECT oc_t_country_stats.fk_c_country_code as country_code, oc_t_country_stats.i_num_items as items, oc_t_country.s_name as country_name, oc_t_country.s_slug as country_slug
FROM (oc_t_country_stats)
JOIN oc_t_country ON oc_t_country_stats.fk_c_country_code = oc_t_country.pk_c_code
WHERE i_num_items > 0
ORDER BY country_name ASC
0.00025200843811035 SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN oc_t_region_stats.fk_i_region_id as region_id, oc_t_region_stats.i_num_items as items, oc_t_region.s_name as region_name, oc_t_region.s_slug as region_slug
FROM (oc_t_region , oc_t_region_stats)
WHERE oc_t_region_stats.fk_i_region_id = oc_t_region.pk_i_id
AND i_num_items > 0
ORDER BY region_name ASC
0.00019407272338867 SELECT *
FROM (oc_t_region)
WHERE s_name = 'kujawsko-pomorskie'
0.0017549991607666 SELECT oc_t_city_stats.fk_i_city_id as city_id, oc_t_city_stats.i_num_items as items, oc_t_city.s_name as city_name, oc_t_city.s_slug as city_slug
FROM (oc_t_city_stats)
LEFT JOIN oc_t_city ON oc_t_city_stats.fk_i_city_id = oc_t_city.pk_i_id
WHERE i_num_items > 0
AND oc_t_city.fk_i_region_id = 781804
ORDER BY city_name ASC
0.00023293495178223 SELECT *
FROM ((SELECT a.*, b.*, c.i_num_items, FIELD(fk_c_locale_code, 'pl_PL') as locale_order
FROM (oc_t_category as a)
INNER JOIN oc_t_category_description as b ON a.pk_i_id = b.fk_i_category_id
LEFT JOIN oc_t_category_stats as c ON a.pk_i_id = c.fk_i_category_id
WHERE fk_i_parent_id = 240
AND a.b_enabled = '1'
AND b.s_name != ''
ORDER BY locale_order DESC) dummytable)
GROUP BY pk_i_id
ORDER BY i_position ASC
0.00023198127746582 SELECT oc_t_country_stats.fk_c_country_code as country_code, oc_t_country_stats.i_num_items as items, oc_t_country.s_name as country_name, oc_t_country.s_slug as country_slug
FROM (oc_t_country_stats)
JOIN oc_t_country ON oc_t_country_stats.fk_c_country_code = oc_t_country.pk_c_code
WHERE i_num_items > 0
ORDER BY country_name ASC
0.0002288818359375 SELECT *
FROM (oc_t_region)
WHERE s_name = 'kujawsko-pomorskie'
0.00022006034851074 SELECT mf.*
FROM (oc_t_meta_fields mf, oc_t_meta_categories mc)
WHERE mc.fk_i_category_id = '240'
AND mf.pk_i_id = mc.fk_i_field_id
0.0001521110534668 SELECT COUNT(*) AS numrows
FROM (oc_t_plugin_category)
WHERE fk_i_category_id = '240'
AND s_plugin_name = 'custom_attributes'
0.00010204315185547 SELECT *
FROM (oc_t_item_custom_attr_groups)
JOIN oc_t_item_custom_attr_categories ON fk_i_group_id = pk_i_id
WHERE fk_i_category_id = '240'
ORDER BY oc_t_item_custom_attr_groups.order ASC
0.00030517578125 SELECT fk_i_field_id
FROM (oc_t_item_custom_attr_meta)
0.00023698806762695 SELECT *
FROM (oc_t_item_custom_attr_fields)
WHERE pk_i_id NOT IN ('3', '4', '5', '61', '120', '202', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '21', '99', '14', '15', '17', '18', '20', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '83', '84', '123', '125', '129', '184', '185', '186', '188', '192', '217', '219', '221', '222', '223', '36', '37', '38', '39', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '50', '51', '52', '53', '91', '98', '124', '130', '216', '218', '57', '58', '59', '60', '85', '121', '122', '147', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '126', '70', '71', '78', '79', '80', '81', '82', '93', '94', '95', '97', '77', '86', '87', '89', '90', '159', '160', '161', '105', '107', '115', '131', '165', '109', '110', '112', '113', '114', '162', '206', '233', '116', '117', '118', '119', '195', '196', '197', '200', '128', '133', '134', '136', '137', '138', '139', '140', '141', '142', '143', '144', '151', '152', '153', '154', '155', '156', '157', '158', '163', '164', '235', '236', '237', '238', '171', '173', '174', '175', '203', '205', '224', '178', '181', '176', '187', '193', '194', '198', '199', '234', '207', '208', '209', '210', '211', '212', '213', '214', '215', '225', '226', '227', '228', '229', '230', '231')
ORDER BY i_order ASC
0.00023293495178223 SELECT *
FROM (oc_t_item_custom_attr_fields)
JOIN oc_t_item_custom_attr_meta ON fk_i_field_id = pk_i_id
WHERE fk_i_group_id = '1'
ORDER BY i_order ASC
0.0001680850982666 SELECT s_options
FROM (oc_t_item_custom_attr_fields)
WHERE pk_i_id = '120'
0.00011706352233887 SELECT s_options
FROM (oc_t_item_custom_attr_fields)
WHERE pk_i_id = '5'
0.00020599365234375 SELECT s_options
FROM (oc_t_item_custom_attr_fields)
WHERE pk_i_id = '4'
0.00018405914306641 SELECT s_options
FROM (oc_t_item_custom_attr_fields)
WHERE pk_i_id = '202'
0.00023102760314941 SELECT *
FROM (oc_t_item_custom_attr_fields)
JOIN oc_t_item_custom_attr_meta ON fk_i_field_id = pk_i_id
WHERE fk_i_group_id = '12'
ORDER BY i_order ASC
0.00020194053649902 SELECT *
FROM (oc_t_item_custom_attr_fields)
JOIN oc_t_item_custom_attr_meta ON fk_i_field_id = pk_i_id
WHERE fk_i_group_id = '7'
ORDER BY i_order ASC
0.00016593933105469 SELECT s_options
FROM (oc_t_item_custom_attr_fields)
WHERE pk_i_id = '126'
0.00017094612121582 SELECT *
FROM (oc_t_item_custom_attr_fields)
JOIN oc_t_item_custom_attr_meta ON fk_i_field_id = pk_i_id
WHERE fk_i_group_id = '21'
ORDER BY i_order ASC
0.00017499923706055 SELECT *
FROM (oc_t_item_custom_attr_fields)
JOIN oc_t_item_custom_attr_meta ON fk_i_field_id = pk_i_id
WHERE fk_i_group_id = '9'
ORDER BY i_order ASC
0.00016999244689941 SELECT *
FROM (oc_t_item_custom_attr_fields)
JOIN oc_t_item_custom_attr_meta ON fk_i_field_id = pk_i_id
WHERE fk_i_group_id = '10'
ORDER BY s_label ASC
0.0013549327850342 SELECT oc_t_item.*, oc_t_item.s_contact_name as s_user_name
FROM (oc_t_item, oc_t_item_stats)
LEFT JOIN oc_t_item_location ON oc_t_item_location.fk_i_item_id = oc_t_item.pk_i_id
WHERE oc_t_item_stats.fk_i_item_id = oc_t_item.pk_i_id
AND oc_t_item.b_premium = 1
AND oc_t_item.b_enabled = 1
AND oc_t_item.b_active = 1
AND oc_t_item.b_spam = 0
AND ( oc_t_item_location.fk_i_region_id = 781804 )
AND oc_t_item.fk_i_category_id IN (240)
GROUP BY oc_t_item.pk_i_id
ORDER BY SUM(oc_t_item_stats.i_num_premium_views) ASC, RAND()
LIMIT 0, 9
0.00044608116149902 SELECT *
FROM (oc_t_payment_pro_highlight)
WHERE fk_i_item_id = 810
AND dt_expiration_date >= '2024-05-07 10:40:45'
0.00052499771118164 SELECT *
FROM (oc_t_item_resource)
WHERE fk_i_item_id = 810
0.00021600723266602 SELECT pk_c_code, s_name, s_description, b_enabled
FROM (oc_t_currency)
WHERE pk_c_code = 'PLN'
0 Error number: 1054
Error description: Unknown column 'i_mileage' in 'field list'

SELECT i_mileage,i_year FROM oc_t_item_custom_attr_values WHERE fk_i_item_id=810
0.00074195861816406 SELECT im.s_value as s_value, mf.pk_i_id as pk_i_id, mf.s_name as s_name, mf.e_type as e_type, im.s_multi as s_multi, mf.s_slug as s_slug
FROM (oc_t_item i, oc_t_item_meta im, oc_t_meta_categories mc, oc_t_meta_fields mf)
WHERE mf.pk_i_id = im.fk_i_field_id
AND mf.pk_i_id = mc.fk_i_field_id
AND mc.fk_i_category_id = i.fk_i_category_id
AND im.fk_i_item_id = 810
AND i.pk_i_id = 810
0.00025200843811035 SELECT fk_i_category_id
FROM (oc_t_plugin_category)
WHERE s_plugin_name = 'ads_manager_banner_group_2'
0.00078105926513672 SELECT g.b_id as "b_group_id", g.b_name as "b_group_name", g.b_banner_id, b.*, rand() as "rand_ind"
FROM (oc_t_banner b, oc_t_banner_group g)
WHERE g.b_banner_id = b.b_id
AND g.b_id = 2
ORDER BY rand_ind asc
0.00021576881408691 SELECT fk_i_category_id
FROM (oc_t_plugin_category)
WHERE s_plugin_name = 'ads_manager_banner_2'
0.00035500526428223 SELECT *
FROM (oc_t_banner)
WHERE b_id = '2'
0.0010762214660645 UPDATE oc_t_banner SET b_views=coalesce(b_views, 0)+1 WHERE b_id=2
0.00026082992553711 SELECT fk_i_category_id
FROM (oc_t_plugin_category)
WHERE s_plugin_name = 'ads_manager_banner_group_3'
0.00053715705871582 SELECT g.b_id as "b_group_id", g.b_name as "b_group_name", g.b_banner_id, b.*, rand() as "rand_ind"
FROM (oc_t_banner b, oc_t_banner_group g)
WHERE g.b_banner_id = b.b_id
AND g.b_id = 3
ORDER BY rand_ind asc
0.00018215179443359 SELECT fk_i_category_id
FROM (oc_t_plugin_category)
WHERE s_plugin_name = 'ads_manager_banner_3'
0.00031495094299316 SELECT *
FROM (oc_t_banner)
WHERE b_id = '3'
0.00068807601928711 UPDATE oc_t_banner SET b_views=coalesce(b_views, 0)+1 WHERE b_id=3
0.00017714500427246 SELECT fk_i_category_id
FROM (oc_t_plugin_category)
WHERE s_plugin_name = 'ads_manager_banner_group_4'
0.0005958080291748 SELECT g.b_id as "b_group_id", g.b_name as "b_group_name", g.b_banner_id, b.*, rand() as "rand_ind"
FROM (oc_t_banner b, oc_t_banner_group g)
WHERE g.b_banner_id = b.b_id
AND g.b_id = 4
ORDER BY rand_ind asc
0.00019383430480957 SELECT fk_i_category_id
FROM (oc_t_plugin_category)
WHERE s_plugin_name = 'ads_manager_banner_4'
0.00035214424133301 SELECT *
FROM (oc_t_banner)
WHERE b_id = '4'
0.0007319450378418 UPDATE oc_t_banner SET b_views=coalesce(b_views, 0)+1 WHERE b_id=4
0.00018000602722168 SELECT *
FROM (oc_t_pages)
WHERE b_indelible = 0
AND b_link = 1
ORDER BY i_order ASC
07/05/2024 - 10:40:45 [ OPERATION OK ] Connected to 'sugmoto_house': [DBHOST] = localhost | [DBUSER] = sugmoto_house
07/05/2024 - 10:40:45 [ OPERATION OK ] SELECT * FROM `oc_t_item_location` WHERE `fk_i_item_id`=810
07/05/2024 - 10:40:45 [ OPERATION OK ] Connection with 'sugmoto_house' released properly